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Makeup expiration dates can be confusing. It’s not always clear when makeup expires and why makeup expires in the first place. This blog post will answer these questions and give you some tips on how to store your makeup so it lasts longer!
What does makeup expiration mean?
When a product has reached its “expiration date”, this means that the manufacturer is saying it’s time to throw out your makeup. The FDA doesn’t require cosmetic companies to put expiration dates on their products, so you may not always see one listed on your favourite items. However, they are required by law to list an ingredients label if there’s something in their product that could potentially be harmful (like lead). So while some brands might choose to include expiration dates or lot numbers for reference purposes only — these aren’t regulated and don’t necessarily have any bearing on how long your beauty goods will remain safe & effective once you bring them home.
Okay, so WHY does makeup expire?
When a product contains water or an “aqueous” substance, like foundation — over time these liquids can start evaporating into the air in your bathroom (or wherever you store them). This process speeds up when exposed to heat & humidity so if you keep products next to sinks or showers, make sure they’re tightly closed before storing them back on their shelves.
In some cases where there isn’t much moisture involved, things will expire more slowly because of oxidation — meaning reactions between different chemical compounds inside the bottle cause changes which affect its effectiveness over time.
Is it okay to use expired makeup ?
Using makeup past its prime can lead to breakouts, allergies or other skin irritations. Expired products could also just be old and ineffective which means no coverage, clogged pores/sebaceous filaments, oily residue…the list goes on!
By all means, carry on using it if you don’t get any of those side effects, although you might notice the performance is nowhere near what it used to be. While technically its safe to use expired makeup, its best to just bite the bullet and refresh your pallets.
If your makeup has only just gone past the expiry date, you should be okay for at least 1-2 more months before you really start to appreciate its no longer up the task.

As a general rule of thumb: anything with a cream or liquid consistency will expire faster than products that are in powder form. Depending on the ingredients used and storage conditions over time, most beauty items should have between 12-36 month shelf lives after opening . This doesn’t mean they’ll suddenly turn harmful overnight because of some mysterious expiration date stamped into the bottle — but rather that with certain types of formulations like creams/liquids , there comes a point where their consistency and texture changes to the point where it’s no longer safe for use.
You’ll typically find expiration dates on things like lotions and foundations — items meant to come into contact with your skin. These won’t necessarily harm you if they’re past their prime but they could potentially cause an adverse reaction such as irritation or breakouts . A product’s colour may also change over time when it starts mixing with oxygen & sunlight, so you don’t want something subpar blocking pores & clogging up your zit-fighting machine!
The good news is this: shelf life typically depends on how well you store your makeup. This means that with proper care, a good chunk of your products should remain fresh & effective for several months (or longer!).
So what do I need to know about storing my cosmetics?
The most important thing is to keep them in a cool, dark place away from sunlight — and never ever apply any type of product directly after digging around inside the beauty cabinet because germs! Always wash hands before touching eye or lip products. You should also avoid things like steamy showers, hot styling tools and laying out makeup on bathroom counters where it can be exposed to harsh lighting and excessive heat/moisture .
Beauty fridges are a great way of storing water based products, as this keeps them fresh and reduces the chance any bacteria will grow over time. When you keep your items well below 30C, this slows down the growth of microbes and makes it harder for bacteria to grow. You can also help prevent bacterial contamination by using clean applicators every time or storing a back-up sponge on top/inside the cap (like in liquid foundation bottles).
If you’re interested in a beauty fridge, our experts reccomend the AstroAI Mini Fridge which has over 5,000 reviews on Amazon. There are other fridges available with mirrors built in, but they cost more and we strongly advise you don’t attempt to apply your makeup in a mini fridge reflection for obvious reasons… The AstroAI has been tried and tested by many, proving to be a great hit in the beauty world.
Store your products in a cool, dry place & tightly closed when not in use — heat and humidity will speed up the process of evaporation!
If something has changed consistency (ex: separated), colour (ex: turned orange), or smells funny — it’s time to say goodbye!
What are some examples of expired makeup?
Expired mascara will typically dry up — but if left too long, may lead to eye infections like pink eye or even an ulcer .
Lipstick will typically expire within a year but if you store it in the fridge, this could extend its shelf life by several months (or more!).
Liquid foundation will separate (ex: oil/water) when it starts to expire as the chemical makeup of its formula begins to break down over time.
We hope this shines some light on why makeup expires and is it safe to use expired makeup. If you’re looking to refresh your makeup collection, check out our article talking about the best brands of makeup to use